منتدى المهندس الجزائري | |
- علاقة مفاتيح
- مساعدة Document Technique Reglementaire
- عيد ميلاد الاخ ~~ اعشوشبة ~~
- مساعدة aide moi pour livre expertise de construction
- cour réseau
- كتاب calcul de structures
- قصيدة شعرية للشاعر نزار قباني
- شعر من ابداعك تنشد فلسطين والبلاد العربية
- درس it من اكاديمية سيسكو باللغة العربية
- برنامج cfosspeed الاصدار 6.5
- اسطوانة DriverPacks for Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7 + DriverPacks BASE (22.04.2011)
- احتراف Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Collection Retail DVD Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Col
- إستفسار ارجوكم إخواني
- جهاز بلوتوث من سوني
- برنامج quick footing v 2.16
Posted: 10 May 2011 11:29 PM PDT |
مساعدة Document Technique Reglementaire Posted: 10 May 2011 10:26 PM PDT |
Posted: 10 May 2011 10:17 PM PDT |
مساعدة aide moi pour livre expertise de construction Posted: 10 May 2011 09:26 PM PDT |
Posted: 10 May 2011 09:10 PM PDT |
Posted: 10 May 2011 07:48 PM PDT السلام technique de l ingenieur CALCUL DE STRUCTURES http://www.4shared.com/file/LhkvZbou...tructures.html وفقكم الله |
Posted: 10 May 2011 02:31 PM PDT |
شعر من ابداعك تنشد فلسطين والبلاد العربية Posted: 10 May 2011 01:45 PM PDT |
درس it من اكاديمية سيسكو باللغة العربية Posted: 10 May 2011 12:40 PM PDT |
Posted: 10 May 2011 11:58 AM PDT اخوانى واخوتى اعضاء منتدى المهندس الجزائرى اليكم الاصدار الاخير من برنامج مسرع الانترنت Cfosspeed v 6.5 مميزات البرنامج increases your throughput and reduces your Ping. Whenever you access the Internet with more . than one data stream Improve your Ping for online gamescFosSpeed can optimize the traffic Keep your internet fast during heavy . upload/download NEW: Improve mobile Internet. Reduce audio/video streaming problems Improve VoIP speech quality الملف يتضمن البرنامج مع اداة trial reset وهذا الاداة تجدد لك مدة ال 30 يوم مسموح ودون ازالة واعادة تنصيب البرنامج ********** رابط التحميل على ميديا فاير باس ووررد فك الضغط ingdz.com http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?aats75r5mocsn7d تحياتى للجميع |
اسطوانة DriverPacks for Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7 + DriverPacks BASE (22.04.2011) Posted: 10 May 2011 11:13 AM PDT DriverPacks for Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7 + DriverPacks BASE (22.04.2011) DriverPacks for Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7 + DriverPacks BASE (22.04.2011) | 2.5 GB Drayverpaki and program for their integration in the distribution of Windows. Driver database updated on April 22, 2011. Year: 2011 Version: 11,042 Platform: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7 System Requirements: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7 Language: English Russian License: Freeware Size: 2.5 GB Description: drayverpaki and program for their integration in the Windows distribution Ext. Information: not necessarily those drayverpaki integrate into the distribution windows. You can put these drivers manually after installing windows. 1) in the properties of the device you want to install the driver in the line "device instance ID" search text DEV_ **** (instead of 4 stars - 4 digits or letters). 2) looking for (eg searching in total commander) contents drayverpakov files *. inf text DEV_ **** (instead of 4 stars - your 4 numbers or letters). 3) the search result will show you which folder / folders likely to lie right driver for this device. If the line "device instance ID" no text DEV_ ****, you can search on what else the text of this row. if not, you can intuitively poperebirat several putatively necessary folders, folder names that begin with the same letter, which begins the name of the manufacturer the device. information about the devices may for example give the program hwinfo32. In my opinion it is more convenient to store these drayverpaki on a flash drive as a ZIP or RAR archives as well as Total Commanderie can search inside ZIP and RAR, and 7Z inside there. windows 2000-xp-2003 (x86) driverpacks windows 2000-xp-2003 (x86) driverpacks dp bluetooth wnt5 x86-32910 dp chipset wnt5 x86-32 1101 dp cpu wnt5 x86-32 1005 dp graphics a wnt5 x86-32 1011 dp graphics b wnt5 x86-32 10111 dp graphics c wnt5 x86-32 1011 dp graphics languages wnt5 x86-32 10111 dp graphics physx wnt5 x86-32 1011 dp hid wnt5 x86-32 1101 dp lan wnt5 x86-32 1101 dp lan-ris wnt5 x86-32 1011 dp massstorage wnt5 x86-32 1101 dp misc wnt5 x86-32 1011 dp modem wnt5 x86-32 1101 dp monitor wnt5 x86-32 1005 dp runtimes wnt5 x86-32 1011 dp sound a wnt5 x86-32 1009 dp sound b wnt5 x86-32 1009 dp tv wnt5 x86-32 1005 dp webcam wnt5 x86-32 1101 dp wlan wnt5 x86-32 1101 windows vista-7 (x86) driverpacks windows vista-7 (x86) driverpacks dp audio wnt6-x86 1104 dp cablemodem wnt6-x86 1001 dp cardreaders wnt6-x86 11041 (new) dp chipset wnt6-x86 11042 (new) dp gaming wnt6-x86 1001 dp graphics a wnt6-x86 1104 dp graphics b wnt6-x86 1104 dp graphics mobile wnt6-x86 1104 dp lan wnt6-x86 11041 (new) dp massstorage wnt6-x86 11041 (new) dp misc wnt6-x86 1104 dp modem wnt6-x86 1001 dp monitors wnt6-x86 1001 dp touchpad mouse wnt6-x86 1003 dp tvcard wnt6-x86 1001 dp webcam wnt6-x86 1103 dp wlan wnt6-x86 1104 windows vista-7 (x64) driverpacks windows vista-7 (x64) driverpacks cardreaders x64 911 dp audio wnt6-x64 1104 dp cardreaders wnt6-x64 11041 (new) dp chipset wnt6-x64 11042 (new) dp graphics a wnt6-x64 1104 dp graphics b wnt6-x64 1104 dp graphics mobile wnt6-x64 1104 dp lan wnt6-x64 11041 (new) dp massstorage wnt6-x64 11041 (new) dp misc wnt6-x64 1104 dp touchpad mouse wnt6-x64 1003 dp webcam wnt6-x64 1103 dp wlan wnt6-x64 1104 gaming x64 812 misc x64 911 monitors x64 911 http://www.fileserve.com/file/FVTqvTq http://www.fileserve.com/file/RPwf6GG http://www.fileserve.com/file/xyfg6U8 http://www.fileserve.com/file/YbgvZbP http://www.fileserve.com/file/yqNeWQb http://www.fileserve.com/file/Gy23ZAa |
احتراف Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Collection Retail DVD Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Col Posted: 10 May 2011 11:06 AM PDT Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Collection Retail DVD Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Collection software enables you to design and develop amazing work, collaborate effectively, and deliver virtually anywhere. Discover extraordinary new design tools and groundbreaking ways to extend your creative reach using one comprehensive offering — the ultimate design environment for virtually any medium. Work faster with extremely high-resolution images, fluidly edit complex projects for video and motion graphics, and do more in less time with a wealth of productivity enhancements. Speed up design reviews, streamline website testing in multiple browsers, collaborate on script development and content authoring, and more with new CS Live online services. Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Collection software delivers a comprehensive toolset for designing across media. Explore exciting enhancements that include new ways to create interactive content, breakthrough performance, and integration with new Adobe CS Live online services to boost productivity. Craft a corporate identity using Illustrator CS5 to engage your audience online. Use new Flash Catalyst CS5 to make it part of an expressive, interactive interface without writing code. Use Flash Professional CS5 to engage your audience with microsites and casual games that present your designs consistently across desktops, browsers, and mobile devices. Enhance HD video productions with high-resolution imagery from Photoshop CS5 Extended. Add intricate effects using After Effects CS5, and edit dramatically faster in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5. Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Collection CS5 includes: • Adobe Photoshop® CS5 Extended • Adobe Illustrator® CS5 • Adobe InDesign® CS5 • Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro • Adobe Flash® Catalyst™ CS5 • Adobe Flash Professional CS5 • Adobe Flash Builder™ 4 • Adobe Dreamweaver® CS5 • Adobe Fireworks® CS5 • Adobe Contribute® CS5 • Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 • Adobe After Effects CS5 • Adobe Soundbooth® CS5 • Adobe OnLocation™ CS5 • Adobe Encore® CS5 • Adobe Bridge CS5 • Adobe Device Central CS5 Supported OS: Windows XP / Vista / XP X64 / Vista64 / 7 / 7 x64 Size: 13.20 GB DOWNLOAD: [URL=http://www.6ybh-upload.com/hntc5eeu6337/Adobe.CS5.Master.Collection.Retail.DVD.ISO.ReadNOT ES_zyberakuma.part10_gr0wl.rar]Adobe.CS5.Master.Collection.Retail.DVD.ISO.ReadNOT ES_zyberakuma.part10_gr0wl.rar - 1024.0 MB[/URL] _Adobe.CS5.Master.Collection.Retail.DVD.ISO.ReadNO TES_zyberakuma.part07.rar_ - 1024.0 MB _Adobe.CS5.Master.Collection.Retail.DVD.ISO.ReadNO TES_zyberakuma.part08.rar_ - 1024.0 MB _Adobe.CS5.Master.Collection.Retail.DVD.ISO.ReadNO TES_zyberakuma.part09.rar_ - 1024.0 MB _Adobe.CS5.Master.Collection.Retail.DVD.ISO.ReadNO TES_zyberakuma.part11.rar_ - 1024.0 MB _Adobe.CS5.Master.Collection.Retail.DVD.ISO.ReadNO TES_zyberakuma.part12.rar_ - 1024.0 MB _Adobe.CS5.Master.Collection.Retail.DVD.ISO.ReadNO TES_zyberakuma.part13.rar_ - 1024.0 MB _Adobe.CS5.Master.Collection.Retail.DVD.ISO.ReadNO TES_zyberakuma.part14.rar_ - 204.2 MB Adobe.CS5.Master.Collection.Retail.DVD.ISO.ReadNOT ES_zyberakuma.part01_gr0wl.rar - 1024.0 MB Adobe.CS5.Master.Collection.Retail.DVD.ISO.ReadNOT ES_zyberakuma.part02_gr0wl.rar - 1024.0 MB Adobe.CS5.Master.Collection.Retail.DVD.ISO.ReadNOT ES_zyberakuma.part03_gr0wl.rar - 1024.0 MB Adobe.CS5.Master.Collection.Retail.DVD.ISO.ReadNOT ES_zyberakuma.part06_gr0wl.rar - 1024.0 MB _Adobe.CS5.Master.Collection.Retail.DVD.ISO.ReadNO TES_zyberakuma.part04.rar_ - 1024.0 MB _Adobe.CS5.Master.Collection.Retail.DVD.ISO.ReadNO TES_zyberakuma.part05.rar_ - 1024.0 MB password if needed :nawfling.molotov |
Posted: 10 May 2011 10:44 AM PDT |
Posted: 10 May 2011 10:37 AM PDT السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته المشغلات الموسيقى مثل الكعك الساخن وبعد بعض الوقت تصبح قديمة وتستبدل بأخرى جديدة تمتلك افضل الميزات والتكنولوجيا. مشغل سوني انشأ بصورة رائعة وصممه جوناثان ديفيس.وجهاز في واقع الأمر هو بلوتوث مشغل MP3 الذي يستغل بكامل تكنولوجيا سماعة البلوتوث. مشغل بلوتوث mp3 يأتي مع الكثير من خيارات الألوان ويمكن بسهولة تشغيل المشغل ، مع واجهة جذابة,ويكون التوصيل لاسلكيا مع أي جهاز كهربائي الذي يأتي مع تقنية بلوتوث. فيتم تواصل مع كمبيوتر شخصي أو محمول لتحميل الأغاني من اختيارك بسرعة دون أي صعوبة. |
Posted: 10 May 2011 10:25 AM PDT http://www.duckload.com/download/5591808/qfv216.rar quick footing is an easy program to design footing , you can calculate reinforcement , autocad drawings , stability check etc , install the program , copy qfv216-med.exe to the installation folder and run it http://www.duckload.com/download/5591808/qfv216.rar |
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