منتدى المهندس الجزائري | |
- انشودة ما أقدر على البعد ونسيانه..صوت حزين مؤلم رائعة2010
- كتاب Bridge Engineering Handbook
- الإسراء و المعراج (سلطان العيد)mp3
- الشمائل المحمدية(سلطان العيد)mp3
- التشويق لذكر الله (سلطان العيد) mp3
- حجة الوداع (سلطان العيد) mp3
- عاجل مساعدة
- Le SNAT 2025 Document
- من اروع ماكتب الشافعى فى الشعر
- برنامج logiciel simulation des circuit électronique et réalistation des typon
- برنامج Expert GPS TopoGrafix Edition v4.18
- Crystal Impact Endeavour v1.7e
- Crystal Impact Diamond v3.2f
- Molegro Virtual Docker v4.2.0
- CrystalMaker 2.3.1
انشودة ما أقدر على البعد ونسيانه..صوت حزين مؤلم رائعة2010 Posted: 02 Nov 2010 06:56 AM PDT |
كتاب Bridge Engineering Handbook Posted: 02 Nov 2010 06:17 AM PDT |
الإسراء و المعراج (سلطان العيد)mp3 Posted: 02 Nov 2010 05:39 AM PDT |
الشمائل المحمدية(سلطان العيد)mp3 Posted: 02 Nov 2010 05:35 AM PDT |
التشويق لذكر الله (سلطان العيد) mp3 Posted: 02 Nov 2010 05:31 AM PDT |
Posted: 02 Nov 2010 05:29 AM PDT |
Posted: 02 Nov 2010 04:51 AM PDT |
Posted: 02 Nov 2010 04:40 AM PDT |
من اروع ماكتب الشافعى فى الشعر Posted: 01 Nov 2010 07:28 PM PDT الإمام الشافعي كان من أعلم العلماء وأفقههم وأزهدهم وكان شاعرا فذا رحمه الله ، ولكنه لم يكثر من الشعر وقد قال عن نفسه : ولولا أن الشعر َ بالعلماء ِ .يزري لكنت ُ اليوم َ أشعـر مـن لبيـد وهذه قصيدته في الزهد والحكمه 000 دع الايـام تفعـل ماتشـاءوطب نفسا إذا حكم القضـاء ولاتجـزع لحادثـة الليالـي فما لحـوادث الدنيـا بقـاء وكن رجلا على الاهوال جلداوشيمتك السماحـه والوفـاء وأن كثرت عيوبك في البراياوسرك ان يكون لها غطـاء تستر بالسخاء فكـل عيـب يغطيه كمـا قيـل السخـاء ولاترى للاعـادي قـط ذلا ًفإن شماتـه الاعـداء بـلاء ولاترج السماحه من بخيـل فما في النار للظمـان مـاء ورزقك ليس ينقصه التأنـي وليس يزيد في الرزق العناء ولاحـزن يـدوم ولاسـرورولابؤس عليـك ولا رخـاء اذا ماكنـت ذا قلـب قنـوع فأنت ومالـك الدنيـا سـواء ومن نزلت بساحتـه المنايـافلا ارض تقيـه ولا سمـاء وارض الله واسعـة ولكـن اذا نزل القضاء ضاق الفضاء دع الايام تغـدر كـل حيـن فما يغني عن الموت الـدواء </i></b> |
برنامج logiciel simulation des circuit électronique et réalistation des typon Posted: 01 Nov 2010 03:50 PM PDT logiciel de simulation et réalisation des circuit électronique PROTEUS " isis & ares" (typon ) le lien de télechargment |
برنامج Expert GPS TopoGrafix Edition v4.18 Posted: 01 Nov 2010 03:39 PM PDT Expert GPS TopoGrafix Edition v4.18 Expert GPS TopoGrafix Edition v4.18 | 15.3 MB ExpertGPS is the ultimate GPS map software for planning outdoor adventures. View GPS waypoints and tracklogs from any handheld GPS receiver over aerial photos and US topographic maps. Plan your next outdoor adventure over scanned USGS topo maps and send a route directly to your GPS receiver to guide you in the field. View your GPS tracklog over an aerial photo to see exactly where you went. ExpertGPS downloads aerial photos and topo maps for any location in the US, saving the maps to your hard drive. Disconnect your laptop and head out on a trip, and all of your data is available. ExpertGPS keeps track of which maps need to be retrieved from the Internet, so you can quickly define an area to map and let ExpertGPS gather the data later. Whether you're discovering a new trail or scouting a 400 acre parcel, ExpertGPS gives you the maps and tools you need to get the job done. No other software makes it this easy to add your own data to maps and aerial photos. Home Page - http://www.expertgps.com/ Download Links: HotFile FileServe |
Crystal Impact Endeavour v1.7e Posted: 01 Nov 2010 03:30 PM PDT Crystal Impact Endeavour v1.7e Crystal Impact Endeavour v1.7e | 25 MB Endeavour is a powerful software for crystal structure solution, both from powder as well as single crystal diffraction data. Based on more than ten years of experience, the software is capable of solving many small to medium sized structures more or less on its own. Even unexperienced users can prepare and perform the structure solution calculation in a few steps: Simply follow the integrated "wizard" to enter the required data (unit cell parameters, chemical composition, diffraction data), and let Endeavour do the rest. The structure solution is performed using a special variant of the "direct-space" approach, namely a combined global optimization of the difference between calculated and observed diffraction data and of the potential energy of the system. Due to the additional usage of the potential energy, the method is much less sensitive to low-quality diffraction data than e.g. direct methods. The innovative concept combined with the elaborate user interface makes solution of crystal structures an almost routine process, especially for inorganic but also for many organic compounds. Download Hotfile http://hotfile.com/dl/71043049/218b4...d-EAT.rar.html fileserve http://www.fileserve.com/file/ppPwY58 |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 03:25 PM PDT Crystal Impact Diamond v3.2f Crystal Impact Diamond v3.2f | 34.27 MB Diamond is a outstanding molecular and crystal structure visualization software. It integrates a multitude of functions, which overcome the work with crystal structure data - in research and education as well as for publications and presentations. Diamond does not only draw nice pictures of molecular and crystal structures like most of its competitive programs do. It offers an extensive set of functions that let you easily model any arbitrary portion of a crystal structure from a basic set of structural parameters (cell, space group, atomic positions). With its high data capacity, its wide range of functions beginning with the generation of molecules reaching up to the construction of rather complicated inorganic structural frameworks, Diamond is a comprehensive tool for both molecular and solid state chemists as well as for surface and material scientists. Home Page - http://www.crystalimpact.com/ Download Hotfile http://hotfile.com/dl/73630502/1e01f...d-EAT.rar.html fileserve http://www.fileserve.com/file/8N7dxWa |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 03:23 PM PDT Molegro Virtual Docker v4.2.0 Molegro Virtual Docker v4.2.0 | 13.9 MB Molegro Virtual Docker is an integrated platform for predicting protein - ligand interactions. Molegro Virtual Docker handles all aspects of the docking process from preparation of the molecules to determination of the potential binding sites of the target protein, and prediction of the binding modes of the ligands. Molegro Virtual Docker offers high-quality docking based on a novel optimization technique combined with a user interface experience focusing on usability and productivity. The Molegro Virtual Docker (MVD) has been shown to yield higher docking accuracy than other state-of-the-art docking products (MVD: 87%, Glide: 82%, Surflex: 75%, FlexX: 58%). Molegro Data Modeller offers different types of data modelling: Multiple Linear Regression models simple linear relations between data, and is fast and efficient. Partial Least Squares reduces the dimensionality of the data set before creating a model. Suitable for data sets with many independent variables. Neural Networks are able to model highly non-linear relations. Support Vector Machines are also able to model complex relations and tend to be less prone to overfitting than Neural Networks. K-Nearest-Neighbors for simple classification. Different regression types. Feature Selection and Cross-Validation Feature selection is easy to set up in the regression wizard: different schemes can be chosen (Forward, Backward, and Hill Climber selection) and be combined with different model selection criteria (Bayes Information Criterion or cross validated R^2). Different descriptor rankings can be employed when searching the descriptors. Cross-validation is just as easy. Cross-validate using a specified number of random folds, by using Leave-One-Out, or by manually creating folds. Visualization The different visualization types are highly interactive. Selections in the spreadsheet are directly shown in the plots and vice versa. It is also possible to apply different user-defined coloring schemes and apply jitter (add artificial noise to the data plots). It is possible to visualize high-dimensional data. Using the built-in Spring-mass Map model, high-dimensional data can be projected onto 2D or 3D Chemistry Molegro Data Modeller supports chemical data: MDM understands SMILES and SDF files and can create 2D depictions of molecules directly in the spreadsheet or in the 2D plotter. Clustering Molegro Data Modeller offers different kinds of clustering: K-means clustering and threshold-based clustering (both very efficient), and a density-based clustering scheme (which is able to capture more complex cluster shapes). Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Principal Component Analysis is a method for reducing the dimensionality of a dataset. A new set of principal components is created using linear combinations of the original descriptors. The number of descriptors is then reduced by only keeping the descriptors contributing most to the variance. Algebraic Data Transformations. It is possible to work with algebraic transformations directly on columns: for instance, "New Activity = log(Act) + Beta^2" will create a new column based on the expression. Outlier Detection Molegro Data Modeller provides two methods for locating abnormal data: A quartile based method which checks how far away a data point is from the 25th and 75th percentile. This method examines each descriptor individually. A density-based method which calculates a local density for each data point. Data points with a low density are far away from other data points and could be outliers. Advanced Subset Creation Molegro Data Modeller offers a grid-based method for creating a diverse subset of a dataset. It is possible to create grids in an arbitrary number of dimensions, and if working with 2D and 3D grids they can be visualized directly in the data plotters. Other Features Scrambling (shuffling) of columns and "replace with random values" for performing y-Randomization. Data preparation: scaling, normalization, repair of missing values. Statistical measures: Pearson and Spearman correlation, Confusion matrices, F-measures, and many others. Correlation Matrix. Cross-term generation. Custom Data Views and Grid Molecule Depictions. Similarity Browser (Euclidean, Manhattan, Cosine, and Tanimoto measures). Gnuplot export (for creating and customizing publishing quality plots). Online help and automatic check for updates. Home Page - http://www.molegro.com/mmv-product.php Download Hotfile http://hotfile.com/dl/73698708/b68ea...SiBLE.rar.html fileserve http://www.fileserve.com/file/dnWvpFR |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 03:22 PM PDT CrystalMaker 2.3.1 CrystalMaker 2.3.1 | 19.07 MB CrystalMaker - The award-winning program for fully-interactive visualization and analysis of crystal and molecular structures. Featuring high resolution photo-realistic graphics, spectacular "out-of-the-screen" 3D stereo (now in colour), animation tools, pro-quality digital video and QTVR output. CrystalMaker provides a streamlined workflow that majors on productivity: just drag-and-drop your data files into the program for instant display in spectacular photo-realistic colour. Manipulate structures in real time, with the mouse. Multiple View "bookmarks" and undo levels encourage exploration and discovery - ideal for teaching and research. Build Crystals & Molecules Fast! With CrystalMaker you can build any kind of crystal or molecular structure - quickly and easily. Built-in symmetry handling and the elegant spacegroup browser takes the slog out of crystallography, and the program will automatically generate all your bonds and polyhedra. CrystalMaker provides a wide range of model types, including traditional "ball-and-stick", space-filling, polyhedral, wireframe and thermal ellipsoids. Each model type can be extensively customized, with the option of photo-realistic graphics or simpler, line-art display. Comprehensive Data Import & Export Load structural data from over 15+ formats, including Cambridge Structures Database, Protein Data Bank, CIF, GSAS, SHELX, etc. You can work with virtually unlimited numbers of atoms. Take advantage of our unique "Depth Profiling" tool, to rapidly scan ares of interest in massive structures - ideal for characterizing the results from computer models. A range of output options is available for sharing data with other programs, saving structural data, bond distances, coordination environments - or even building web pages with your data. Outstanding 3D Graphics Enjoy photo-realistic graphics with depth fading and perspective - plus spectacular 3D stereo. Benefit from high-resolution printing and save your graphics at user-defined sizes to a wide range of formats. Work with massive structures, using depth profiling and measurement. Bonds and polyhedra are automatically generated, with full error propagation, plus cluster shell and coordination network visualization and powerful output options. Real-Time Manpulation & Measurement Click-and-drag with the mouse, use the keyboard, or toolbar. View parallel to a lattice vector or plane normal. Continuous plot range settings for millions of atoms, bonds and polyhedra. Move, detach, duplicate, hide, delete groups of atoms. Hide or repair molecular fragments - isolate individual molecules. Display lattice planes in any orientation; slice the crystal to investigate surfaces or internal planes - and place one structure or molecule inside another. Preview coordination environments, clusters and shells; list bond distances and histograms on screen or save to disc. Measure bond distances, angles, torsion angles on screen. Calculate angles between planes and/or vectors. Animation CrystalMaker is the first program of its kind to go beyond static structures, to let you explore structural behaviour quickly and easily. Just drag-and-drop files into the same window, then rearrange their thumbnails to build your movie timeline. View thumbnails can be browsed and animated on screen, with the option of a full-screen slideshow. Manipulate and synchronize views, drag-and-drop thumbnails to rearrange them, then output the entire sequence as a QuickTime movie with the new Save as Movie command. Both Mac and Windows versions let you record QuickTime movies as you work, with full control over frame rates and compression settings. QuickTime VR CrystalMaker was the first application of its kind to support QuickTime Virtual Reality (VR). With this technology, you can save a self-contained, fully-rotatable model of your crystal or molecule. The resulting model can be viewed in any QuickTime-savvy application or web browser, on Mac or Windows. Users can rotate the model just by clicking and dragging the mouse - no complicated plug-ins to download or interfaces to load! Ideal for multimedia, presentations and student browsing. Diffraction Support Diffraction patterns can be simulated for any displayed crystal structure, with just a single menu command - thanks to our CrystalDiffract (powder diffraction) and SingleCrystal (X-ray, neutron and TEM single-crystal diffraction) programs. SingleCrystal can be linked with CrystalMaker, so as you rotate your structure its diffraction pattern rotates, and vice versa. Cross Platform CrystalMaker is available in two separate versions, for Windows (XP/Vista/Windows 7), or for Mac OS X (Snow Leopard/Leopard/Tiger). Each version is designed, from the ground up, for its respective operating system, offering genuine operating system support and maximum performance - with no compromises. First-Class Support Using CrystalMaker is easy - but we still provide a a lavishly-illustrated setup guide, a detailed User's Guide in PDF format, for easy searching and of course a cross-referenced online help system. The software is shipped on CD-ROM, with over 600 structures, fully-annotated, ready for immediate display: from organic molecules to zeolites, and from dental ceramics to high-Tc superconductors. Last, but not least, we're proud of our first-class technical support, which includes regular incremental software updates, as well as a prompt and personalized response to queries HomePage Download Links NO MIRROR PLEASE HotFile | FileSonic | Uploading |
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